Game size: 700Mb
Year: 2020
Updated: 15.09.23
Versions: v.0.5.4 Rus / v.0.5.5 Eng
This game revolves around a 37-year-old man living in a spacious house with his 19-year-old daughter, who is a talented writer aspiring to publish a book someday. The daughter is a stunning blonde, and her mother left her four years ago, leaving the responsibility of taking care of her entirely on your shoulders. Additionally, your sister will be joining you in your home soon, and you can look forward to having a blast with her and other characters in the city. The exceptional graphics, gameplay, and storyline are sure to captivate you.
Installation and play:
– Run the installation of the .apk file;
– Play.
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А как выличится от болезни (вроде простуда но это не точно)