Game size: 1.9Gb
Year: 2020
Updated: 02.12.23
Versions: v.0.98.8
I am thrilled to announce the release of the demo for my latest project. For those who enjoyed my first game, you may find similarities as this game can be seen as a remake of it. However, I assure you that this game is on a whole new level. It still features an open-world sandbox with a main storyline, but with improved graphics and gameplay mechanics. In the demo, you will have the opportunity to meet the main characters, explore the game setting, and learn about their backgrounds. The game is set in the modern world and features a female protagonist.
Installation and play:
– Run the installation of the .apk file;
– Play.
Игра в некоторых местах глючит… Хочу игру про лесбиянок, а не про шлюх.
Игра так себе. Обязательно надо, чтобы тебя изнасиловали и ты стала шлюхой, иначе задания с левой части экрана не засчитываются за выполненные. А может я хочу поиграть только в лесбийскую часть? Но нет, надо и с мужиками трахаться.
Удалила, не стала доигрывать